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Author(s) Dan Xie Subject(s) B. Books on the 1958 New York Convention Applicable NYC Provisions V(1)(b) ISBN 978-94-035-2437-5 Link to the record Andrew Poplinger ; Thomas Hildebrand / United States: Two Recent New York Federal Court Decisions Highlight the Federal Circuit Split on Whether the McCarren-Ferguson Act Allows State Insurance Laws to Override the New York Convention / in ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2024 No. 1, p. 12 - 01/05/2024
Author(s) Andrew Poplinger ; Thomas Hildebrand Source in ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2024 No. 1, p. 12 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions United States Applicable NYC Provisions II(3) Link to the record Yves Herinckx / Enforcement of Awards v. Enforcement of Judgments in the EU: Arbitration Must Catch Up / in Journal of International Arbitration, 2023, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp. 155-178 - 01/04/2024
Author(s) Yves Herinckx Source in Journal of International Arbitration, 2023, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp. 155-178 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions European Union Applicable NYC Provisions V | IX(1) Link to the record Raphaël Chikli / For Galakis the Bell Tolls: Is the SMAC v Ryanair Decision the End of Arbitration for Public Entities in France? / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 28/03/2024
Author(s) Raphaël Chikli Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions France Applicable NYC Provisions V(2) | V(2)(a) | V(2)(b) Link to the record Sandra González Varo / 40. Enforcement of annulled awards: a search for uniformity / in 40 under 40 International Arbitration, 2024, pp. 591-605 - 29/02/2024
Author(s) Sandra González Varo Source in 40 under 40 International Arbitration, 2024, pp. 591-605 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Applicable NYC Provisions I | III | V | V(1)(e) | VI | VII | V(2) | V(1)(a) | V(1)(d) Link to the record Raza Hassan / Enforcing Interim Awards in Pakistan – Finality or Binding? / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 29/02/2024
Author(s) Raza Hassan Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Pakistan Applicable NYC Provisions V(1)(e) | V Link to the record Nayiri Boghossian / Enforcement of Foreign Awards in the UAE: Significant Progress Achieved / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 21/02/2024
Author(s) Nayiri Boghossian Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions United Arab Emirates Applicable NYC Provisions V(1)(e) | V(2) | V(2)(a) | V | V(2)(b) Link to the record Sam (Ronghui) Li ; Michael (Haomin) Zhang ; Lucas (Zhouquan) Lu ; Tina (Yanfei) Qian / Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in China Between 2012-2022: Review and Remarks (Part I) / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 12/12/2023
Author(s) Sam (Ronghui) Li ; Michael (Haomin) Zhang ; Lucas (Zhouquan) Lu ; Tina (Yanfei) Qian Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions China Link to the record Sam (Ronghui) Li ; Michael (Haomin) Zhang ; Lucas (Zhouquan) Lu ; Tina (Yanfei) Qian / Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in China Between 2012-2022: Review and Remarks (Part II) / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 12/12/2023
Author(s) Sam (Ronghui) Li ; Michael (Haomin) Zhang ; Lucas (Zhouquan) Lu ; Tina (Yanfei) Qian Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions China Applicable NYC Provisions V(1)(a) | V(1)(c) | V(1)(d) | V(1)(e) | V(2)(b) | V Link to the record Fakhruddin Valika / Pakistan: Courts' Pro-Enforcement Stance Confirmed / in ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2023 No. 3, p. 42 - 01/12/2023
Author(s) Fakhruddin Valika Source in ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2023 No. 3, p. 42 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Pakistan Applicable NYC Provisions IV | II Link to the record Daniel Brinkman / Recognition and Enforcement of Annulment Judgments under the New York Convention / in Journal of International Arbitration, 2023, Volume 40, Issue 6, pp. 703-734 - 01/12/2023
Author(s) Daniel Brinkman Source in Journal of International Arbitration, 2023, Volume 40, Issue 6, pp. 703-734 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Applicable NYC Provisions V(1)(e) | V | V(1) | VII | V(2)(b) Worldcat Number Worldcat : 10150952700 Link to the record Gary Born ; Abigail Thompson / The New York Convention and Taiwan: it's time to be sensible / in The American Review of International Arbitration (ARIA), Volume 34, No.1, 2023, pp. 29-87 - 01/12/2023
Author(s) Gary Born ; Abigail Thompson Source in The American Review of International Arbitration (ARIA), Volume 34, No.1, 2023, pp. 29-87 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Link to the record Fernando Zuñiga ; Beltran Flores / On the Right Track: Chile’s Supreme Court Recent Ruling on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 24/11/2023
Author(s) Fernando Zuñiga ; Beltran Flores Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Chile Applicable NYC Provisions V | V(1)(b) | V(2)(b) Link to the record Franco Ferrari ; Friedrich Rosenfeld ; Caroline Kleiner / Chapitre 10: la Convention de New York / in Arbitrage commercial international: une approche comparative, Franco Ferrari, Friedrich Rosenfeld, Caroline Kleiner, Pedone, 2023, pp. 260-284 - 15/10/2023
Author(s) Franco Ferrari ; Friedrich Rosenfeld ; Caroline Kleiner Source in Arbitrage commercial international: une approche comparative, Franco Ferrari, Friedrich Rosenfeld, Caroline Kleiner, Pedone, 2023, pp. 260-284 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Link to the record Franco Ferrari ; Friedrich Rosenfeld ; Caroline Kleiner / Chapitre 11: l'obligation de reconnaître et d'exécuter les sentences arbitrales en vertu de la convention de New York / in Arbitrage commercial international: une approche comparative, Franco Ferrari, Friedrich Rosenfeld, Caroline Kleiner, Pedone, 2023, pp. 285-314 - 15/10/2023
Author(s) Franco Ferrari ; Friedrich Rosenfeld ; Caroline Kleiner Source in Arbitrage commercial international: une approche comparative, Franco Ferrari, Friedrich Rosenfeld, Caroline Kleiner, Pedone, 2023, pp. 285-314 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Link to the record Adrian Lai / Mainland China's Judicial Practice on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Interim Measures in Aid of Hong Kong Arbitrations / in Asian Dispute Review, 2023, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp. 166-173 - 01/10/2023
Author(s) Adrian Lai Source in Asian Dispute Review, 2023, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp. 166-173 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions China | Hong Kong Applicable NYC Provisions V(1)(a) | V(2)(b) Link to the record Malena Mavrakis ; Jessica Viven-Wilksch / Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the New York Convention at the UNCCA May Seminar 2023 / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 06/09/2023
Author(s) Malena Mavrakis ; Jessica Viven-Wilksch Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Applicable NYC Provisions V(1) | V | I(3) Link to the record Joost van Dam / Let’s Go Dutch! Exploring the Ease of Recognition and Enforcement in Dutch Law – Arbitral Awards vs. Foreign Judgments / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 04/09/2023
Author(s) Joost van Dam Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Netherlands Link to the record Harshad Pathak / The Devas-Antrix Saga and the Enforceability of Annulled Awards / in ASA Bulletin, 2023, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp. 529-547 - 01/09/2023
Author(s) Harshad Pathak Source in ASA Bulletin, 2023, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp. 529-547 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions India | Mauritius Applicable NYC Provisions III | V | V(1)(e) | VII | V(1) | II | IV | VI Link to the record Tainvankhuu Altangerel / A Right of Appeal in the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Mongolia / in Asian Dispute Review 2023, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 124-129 - 01/07/2023
Author(s) Tainvankhuu Altangerel Source in Asian Dispute Review 2023, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 124-129 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Link to the record Eric Lenier Ives / United States - Eleventh Circuit Joins Majority Approach of U.S. Circuits: FAA Grounds Apply for Vacatur Instead of New York Convention’s Grounds for Non-Enforcement / in ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2023 No. 2, p. 15 - 01/07/2023
Author(s) Eric Lenier Ives Source in ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2023 No. 2, p. 15 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions United States Applicable NYC Provisions V | V(1)(e) Link to the record Talitha Ramphal / Amsterdam’s Interim Relief Judge: Anti-enforcement Proceedings Against Arbitral Awards Could Violate the New York Convention - 03/06/2023
Author(s) Talitha Ramphal Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Netherlands Link to the record Guilherme Montebugnoli Zilio ; Thomas Alexandre De Carvalho / Recognition of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Brazil since the Abengoa Case / in Jus Mundi - 01/06/2023
Author(s) Guilherme Montebugnoli Zilio ; Thomas Alexandre De Carvalho Source in Jus Mundi Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Brazil Applicable NYC Provisions V | V(2)(b) Link to the record Soraya Corm-Bakhos / Dubai Court of Cassation’s Recent Decision on Enforcement of Foreign Awards / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 03/05/2023
Author(s) Soraya Corm-Bakhos Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Dubai Applicable NYC Provisions III Link to the record Weixia Gu / Chapter 13: Deference from Foreign Enforcement Courts to Decisions of the Courts of the Seat Confirming an Arbitral Award / in Deference in International Commercial Arbitration: The Shared System of Control in International Commercial Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 301 - 316 - 01/05/2023
Author(s) Weixia Gu Source in Deference in International Commercial Arbitration: The Shared System of Control in International Commercial Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 301 - 316 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Applicable NYC Provisions V | V(2) | V(1)(e) | VI | III | V(2)(b) | V(1)(a) Link to the record Emilio Bettoni / Chapter 13: Deference from Foreign Enforcement Courts to Decisions of the Courts of the Seat Confirming an Arbitral Award / in Deference in International Commercial Arbitration: The Shared System of Control in International Commercial Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 265-300 - 01/05/2023
Author(s) Emilio Bettoni Source in Deference in International Commercial Arbitration: The Shared System of Control in International Commercial Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 265-300 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Applicable NYC Provisions V(1) | VII(1) | IX(1) | V(1)(a) | V(1)(b) | V(1)(c) | V(1)(d) | V(1)(e) | VII | IX Link to the record George A. Bermann / Chapter 4: Anticipatory Deference: What Will Courts Decide and Not Decide Before Enforcing an Agreement to Arbitrate? / in Deference in International Commercial Arbitration: The Shared System of Control in International Commercial Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 71-92 - 01/05/2023
Author(s) George A. Bermann Source in Deference in International Commercial Arbitration: The Shared System of Control in International Commercial Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 71-92 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Applicable NYC Provisions II | V(1)(a) | V Link to the record María Angélica Burgos / Colombia’s Supreme Court of Justice: Recent Decisions on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 17/04/2023
Author(s) María Angélica Burgos Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Colombia Applicable NYC Provisions V | IV Link to the record Gary Born ; Russell B. Childree ; Claudio D. Salas / Recognizing Annulled Awards in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit: Compañía de Inversiones Mercantiles SA v. Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua SAB de CV / Kluwer Arbitration Blog - 16/04/2023
Author(s) Gary Born ; Russell B. Childree ; Claudio D. Salas Source Kluwer Arbitration Blog Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions United States Applicable NYC Provisions V(1)(e) | V(2)(b) | VII Link to the record Adodo Kouami / L'efficacité de l'exécution des sentences arbitrales internationales / Thèse de doctorat - 13/04/2023
Author(s) Adodo Kouami Source Thèse de doctorat Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Link to the record