The references below are listed in chronological order. This bibliography will be updated on a regular basis. It currently contains around 900 references. As it is a work in progress, please feel free to suggest additional references. Around 200 publicly available publications are directly accessible from the bibliography.
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Alfred Lewis / The Balder effect: conditional arbitrability’s threat to the New York convention / in Arbitration International, 2023, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp. 39-62 - 01/01/2023
Author(s) Alfred Lewis Source in Arbitration International, 2023, Volume 39, Issue 1, pp. 39-62 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Jurisdictions Russia Applicable NYC Provisions V(2)(a) | III | V | V(1) | V(2) | V(1)(b) | I(3) | I(1) | XIV Worldcat Number Worldcat : 9963158196 Link to the record Roman Zykov / Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Russia and former USSR states / Kluwer Law International, 2021 - 01/05/2021
Author(s) Roman Zykov Source Kluwer Law International, 2021 Subject(s) B. Books on the 1958 New York Convention Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 1250511650 ISBN 978-94-035-3290-5 Link to the record Stanislav Nikolukin / Глава 15. Признание и приведение в исполнение решений международного коммерческого арбитража [Translation: Chapter 15 - Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards] / International Civil Process and International Commercial Arbitration, Justitia, Moscow, 241 (2017) - 2017
Author(s) Stanislav Nikolukin Source International Civil Process and International Commercial Arbitration, Justitia, Moscow, 241 (2017) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Maxim Kullov ; Sergei Lysov / Признание и приведение в исполнение иностранных арбитражных решений в практике российских судов [Translation: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russian Judicial Practice] / 4-5 Arbitration Court Journal 44 (2016) - 2016
Author(s) Maxim Kullov ; Sergei Lysov Source 4-5 Arbitration Court Journal 44 (2016) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Attachment (1)
External ResourceExternal ResourceRudolf Hennecke ; Kristina Machulskaya / Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia – The More Things Change...? / 13(5) Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence (2015) - 2015
Author(s) Rudolf Hennecke ; Kristina Machulskaya Source 13(5) Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence (2015) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 929826306 Link to the record William R. Spiegelberger / The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia / Juris, 2014 - 2014
Author(s) William R. Spiegelberger Source Juris, 2014 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 889728887 ISBN 978-1-937518-27-1 Link to the record Peter J. Pettibone / The Scope of the Public Policy Exception to the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia / 25(1) The American Review of International Arbitration 105 (2014) - 2014
Author(s) Peter J. Pettibone Source 25(1) The American Review of International Arbitration 105 (2014) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 893424729 ISBN 978-1-937518-27-1 Link to the record Vladimir Khvalei ; Jonas Benedictsson / Chapter 12 – Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Russian Federation / Post-Hearing Issues In International Arbitration, Juris Publishing, 323 (2013) - 2013
Author(s) Vladimir Khvalei ; Jonas Benedictsson Source Post-Hearing Issues In International Arbitration, Juris Publishing, 323 (2013) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 861211452 ISBN 978-1-937518-27-1 Link to the record Roman Khodykin / Chapter 21 – Recognition and/or Enforcement of Foreign Awards / Arbitration Law of Russia: Practice and Procedure, Roman Khodykin, Juris Publishing, (2013) - 2013
Author(s) Roman Khodykin Source Arbitration Law of Russia: Practice and Procedure, Roman Khodykin, Juris Publishing, (2013) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 867740096 ISBN 978-1-937518-14-1 Link to the record Sergei Kurochkin / Глава 13. Признание и приведение в исполнение иностранных арбитражных решений [Translation: Chapter 13 - Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards] / International Commercial Arbitration and Domestic Arbitration, Infotropic Media, Moscow, Belrin, Garant Legal System (2013) - 2013
Author(s) Sergei Kurochkin Source International Commercial Arbitration and Domestic Arbitration, Infotropic Media, Moscow, Belrin, Garant Legal System (2013) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Boris Karabelnikov / Глава 4. Процессуальные вопросы приведения в исполнение и оспаривания решений международных арбитражей Глава 5. Основания для отказа в приведении в исполнение или отмены решения международного арбитража [Translation: Chapter 4 - Procedural Issues of Enforcement and Challenge of Foreign Arbitral Awards Chapter 5 - Grounds for Refusal of Enforcement or for Annulment of a Foreign Arbitral Award] / International Commercial Arbitration, 2nd ed., Moscow, 256 (2013) - 2013
Author(s) Boris Karabelnikov Source International Commercial Arbitration, 2nd ed., Moscow, 256 (2013) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Attachment (1)
External ResourceExternal ResourceAndrei Gorodisskii ; Dmitrii Lubomudrov / Вопросы международного коммерческого арбитража в практике российских судов по материалам недавних судебных дел [Translation: Issues of International Commercial Arbitration in Russian Courts Practice Based on Recent Court Cases] / International Commercial Arbitration: Modern Problems and Solutions, Alexey Kostin, ed., Statut, Moscow, 86 (2012) - 2012
Author(s) Andrei Gorodisskii ; Dmitrii Lubomudrov Source International Commercial Arbitration: Modern Problems and Solutions, Alexey Kostin, ed., Statut, Moscow, 86 (2012) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Valerii Musin ; Oleg Skvortsov / Глава 15. Признание и приведение в исполнение решений международного арбитража Глава 16. Особенности современной российской судебной практики по вопросам оспаривания и принудительного исполнения решений международного арбитража [Translation: Chapter 15 - Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Chapter 16 – Peculiarities of Contemporary Russian Judicial Practice on Challenge and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards] / International Commercial Arbitration, Infotropic Media, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Berlin, 300 (2012) - 2012
Author(s) Valerii Musin ; Oleg Skvortsov Source International Commercial Arbitration, Infotropic Media, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Berlin, 300 (2012) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Andrei Batyaev ; Yuliia Terekhova / Комментарий к Закону РФ от 7 июля 1993 г. N 5338-1 "О международном коммерческом арбитраже", Раздел VIII [Translation: Commentary on the Law of the Russian Federation dated 7 July 1993 No. 5338-1 On International Commercial Arbitration, Section VIII] / Garant Legal System (2011) - 2011
Author(s) Andrei Batyaev ; Yuliia Terekhova Source Garant Legal System (2011) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Patricia Nacimiento ; Alexey Barnashov / Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Russia / 27(3) Journal of International Arbitration 295 (2010) - 2010
Author(s) Patricia Nacimiento ; Alexey Barnashov Source 27(3) Journal of International Arbitration 295 (2010) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 775766728 ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Maxim Kullov / Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards in Russia / Enforcement of Arbitration Awards Russia and Ukraine: Dream or Reality?, ABA Section of International Law (2009) - 2009
Author(s) Maxim Kullov Source Enforcement of Arbitration Awards Russia and Ukraine: Dream or Reality?, ABA Section of International Law (2009) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Attachment (1)
External ResourceExternal ResourceDaniel Rothstein / An Introduction to Enforcement in Russia of Foreign Arbitral Awards, and Barriers to Entry to American Courts / Enforcement of Arbitration Awards Russia and Ukraine: Dream or Reality?, ABA Section of International Law (2009) - 2009
Author(s) Daniel Rothstein Source Enforcement of Arbitration Awards Russia and Ukraine: Dream or Reality?, ABA Section of International Law (2009) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Attachment (1)
External ResourceExternal ResourceGene M. Burd / Selected Issues and Case Studies for Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in Russia and Ukraine / Enforcement of Arbitration Awards Russia and Ukraine: Dream or Reality?, ABA Section of International Law (2009) - 2009
Author(s) Gene M. Burd Source Enforcement of Arbitration Awards Russia and Ukraine: Dream or Reality?, ABA Section of International Law (2009) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Attachment (1)
External ResourceExternal ResourceIlya Nikiforov / Interpretation of Article V of the New York Convention by Russian Courts / 25(6) Journal of International Arbitration 787 (2008) - 2008
Author(s) Ilya Nikiforov Source 25(6) Journal of International Arbitration 787 (2008) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 775295204 ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Boris R. Korabelnikov / Исполнение и оспаривание решений международных коммерческих арбитражей: комментарий к Нью-Йоркской конвенции 1958 г. и главам 30 и 31 АПК РФ 2002 [Translation: Enforcing and Disputing Decisions of the International Commercial Arbitration Courts: Commentary on the New York Convention (1958), and Chapters 30 and 31 of the 2002 Arbitration Procedural Code (APC) of the Russian Federation] / Statut, 3rd ed., Moscow, 2008 - 2008
Author(s) Boris R. Korabelnikov Source Statut, 3rd ed., Moscow, 2008 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Diana Tapola / Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Application of the Public Policy Rule in Russia / 22(1) Arbitration International 151 (2006) - 2006
Author(s) Diana Tapola Source 22(1) Arbitration International 151 (2006) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 5719294600 ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Anton Asoskov / Вопросы международного арбитража в новом обзоре Президиума Высшего Арбитражного Суда РФ: поиск правильных решений [Translation: Issues of International Arbitration in the New Review of the Presidium of the Highest Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation: Search of Right Decisions] / 2 International Commercial Arbitration 9 (2006) - 2006
Author(s) Anton Asoskov Source 2 International Commercial Arbitration 9 (2006) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Attachment (1)
External ResourceExternal ResourceIrina Khlestova / Признание и исполнение иностранных арбитражных решений [Translation: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards] / 8 Journal of Russian law Garant Legal System (August 2006) - 2006
Author(s) Irina Khlestova Source 8 Journal of Russian law Garant Legal System (August 2006) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Link to the record Attachment (1)
External ResourceExternal ResourceDiana Tapola / Recent Case Law on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia / 22(4) Journal of International Arbitration 331 (2005) - 2005
Author(s) Diana Tapola Source 22(4) Journal of International Arbitration 331 (2005) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 773845863 ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Vesselina Shaleva / The 'Public Policy' Exception to the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in the Theory and Jurisprudence of the Central and East European States and Russia / 19(1) Arbitration International 67 (2003) - 2003
Author(s) Vesselina Shaleva Source 19(1) Arbitration International 67 (2003) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 773490799 ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Davit Karapetyan / Jurisdiction, recognition, and enforcement of court judgments and arbitral awards: analyses and recommendations to improve Armenian and Russian legislation / 28(2) Review of Central and East European Law 211 (2002-2003) - 2002
Author(s) Davit Karapetyan Source 28(2) Review of Central and East European Law 211 (2002-2003) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 822552091 ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Alexander Komarov / Enforcement Experience in the Russian Federation / Improving the Efficiency of Arbitration Agreements and Awards: 40 Years of Application of the New York Convention, ICCA Congress Series No. 9, Paris, A.J. van den Berg ed., Kluwer Law International, 583 (1999) - 1999
Author(s) Alexander Komarov Source Improving the Efficiency of Arbitration Agreements and Awards: 40 Years of Application of the New York Convention, ICCA Congress Series No. 9, Paris, A.J. van den Berg ed., Kluwer Law International, 583 (1999) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 42296224 ISBN 978-90-411-1274-3 Link to the record Kaj Hobér / Enforcing foreign arbitral awards against Russian entities / Juris Publications, 1999 - 1999
Author(s) Kaj Hobér Source Juris Publications, 1999 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 29703349 ISBN 978-1-56425-017-9 Link to the record Kaj Hobér / Enforcing Foreign Arbitral Awards Against Russian Entities / 10(1) Arbitration International 17 (1994) - 1994
Author(s) Kaj Hobér Source 10(1) Arbitration International 17 (1994) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Russia Worldcat Number Worldcat : 769886876 ISBN 978-3-642-32743-8 Link to the record