The references below are listed in chronological order. This bibliography will be updated on a regular basis. It currently contains around 900 references. As it is a work in progress, please feel free to suggest additional references. Around 200 publicly available publications are directly accessible from the bibliography.
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Paul Tan / Survey of Singapore Arbitration Case Law on Conflict of Laws Issues in International Arbitration / 26 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 1059 (2014) - 2014
Author(s) Paul Tan Source 26 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 1059 (2014) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Singapore Worldcat Number Worldcat : 5810048364 Link to the record Attachment (1)
External ResourceExternal ResourceRachel Foxton ; Minn Naing Oo / Chapter III: The Award and Courts – Recent Developments in International Arbitration in Singapore / in Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Alexandre Petsche, et al. (eds), Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2011 - 2011
Author(s) Rachel Foxton ; Minn Naing Oo Source in Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Alexandre Petsche, et al. (eds), Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2011 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Singapore Worldcat Number Worldcat : 1055234494 Link to the record Chan Leng Sun / Singapore Law on Arbitral Awards Chapter 7: Resisting Recognition and Enforcement / Singapore Law on Arbitral Awards, Chan Leng Sun eds., Academy Publishing 213 (2011) - 2011
Author(s) Chan Leng Sun Source Singapore Law on Arbitral Awards, Chan Leng Sun eds., Academy Publishing 213 (2011) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Singapore Worldcat Number Worldcat : 770525398 ISBN 978-981-08-8812-1 Link to the record Chryssa V. Valletta ; David E. Miller / Spotlight on the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards / 16(1) New York International Chapter News 5 (2011) - 2011
Author(s) Chryssa V. Valletta ; David E. Miller Source 16(1) New York International Chapter News 5 (2011) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Singapore | Australia | Ukraine Worldcat Number Worldcat : 33310133 ISBN 978-981-08-8812-1 Link to the record Michael Polkinghorne ; Darren Fitzgerald / Arbitration in Southeast Asia: Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand Compared / 18(1) Journal of International Arbitration 101 (2001) - 2001
Author(s) Michael Polkinghorne ; Darren Fitzgerald Source 18(1) Journal of International Arbitration 101 (2001) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Asia | Hong Kong | Singapore Worldcat Number Worldcat : 772993436 Link to the record Lawrence G.S. Boo ; Charles Lim / Overview of the International Arbitration Act and subsidiary Legislation in Singapore / 12(4) Journal of International Arbitration 75(1995) - 1995
Author(s) Lawrence G.S. Boo ; Charles Lim Source 12(4) Journal of International Arbitration 75(1995) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Singapore Worldcat Number Worldcat : 769930922 Link to the record Gwendolyn Gn Jong Yuh / The Law of Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in Singapore / 14 Singapore Law Review 220 (1993) - 1993
Author(s) Gwendolyn Gn Jong Yuh Source 14 Singapore Law Review 220 (1993) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Singapore Worldcat Number Worldcat : 770836923 ISBN 978-3-214-00767-6 Link to the record Philip Kombrough / Viabilité générale de l'arbitrage à Singapour : l'accession à la Convention de New York comble la dernière lacune / General Viability of Arbitration in Singapore: Singapore’s Accession to the NY Convention Fills the Last Gap / 1986 Revue du droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Journal 783 - 1986
Author(s) Philip Kombrough Source 1986 Revue du droit des affaires internationales / International Business Law Journal 783 Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions Singapore Worldcat Number Worldcat : 859661691 ISBN 978-3-214-00767-6 Link to the record