Date of accession | 8 October 1997 |
Date of entry into force | 6 January 1998 |
Paraguay |
Reservations |
No reservation |
Instrument of accession |
Law No. 948 of 9 September 1996 [Original in Spanish] |
National Arbitration Act in force |
Law No. 1.879/02 of 24 April 2002 [Original in Spanish] |
Domestic Court with jurisdiction over recognition and enforcement of foreign award |
The Civil and Commercial Court of First Instance where the party against whom recognition or enforcement is sought has his residence or, failing this, the Civil and Commercial Court of First Instance where the assets are located, at the discretion of the party. |
Author(s) and Contributor(s) |
Raúl Pereira Fleury (Ferrere Abogados) |
Useful links |
Supreme Court of Justice: [Available in Spanish] |