Date of signature | 23 December 1958 |
Date of ratification | 28 January 1972 |
Date of entry into force | 27 April 1972 |
Sweden |
Reservations |
No reservation |
Instrument of ratification |
Government bill 1971:131 of his Royal Highness to the Parliament, for an act to modify the act (1929:147) on foreign arbitration agreements and arbitral awards (Regeringens proposition 1971:131. Kungl. Maj:ts proposition till riksdagen med förslag till lag om ändring i lagen (1929:147) om utländska skiljeavtal och skiljedomar m.m.); Decision on ratification, 17 December 1971 (Beslut om ratifikation den 17 december 1971) |
National Arbitration Act in force |
Swedish Arbitration Act of 1999 (Lag om skiljeförfarande SFS 1999:116, ss. 52-60, which incorporates the New York Convention) [Original in Swedish | Translation in English] |
Domestic Court with jurisdiction over recognition and enforcement of foreign award |
Svea Court of Appeal (Svea hovrätt) in Stockholm |
Useful links |
Swedish Parliament: [Available in English and Swedish] |