Date of accession | 05 March 1962 |
Date of entry into force | 03 June 1962 |
Hungary |
Reservations |
Hungary has made a reciprocity reservation and a commercial reservation |
Instrument of accession |
Law Decree No. 25 of 1962 on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 10 June 1958 |
National Arbitration Act in force |
Act LX of 2017 on Arbitration (in force since 1 January 2018) [Original in Hungarian | Translation in English] |
Domestic Court with jurisdiction over recognition and enforcement of foreign award |
The Regional Court (törvényszék) of the region (a) where the award debtor has its seat or domicile, or (b) where the award debtor’s assets against which enforcement may be sought are located or where the award debtor’s Hungarian branch office or the office of its commercial representative is located. |
Author(s) and Contributor(s) |
Veronika Korom (ESSEC Business School) |
Useful links |
National Legislative Database: [Available in Hungarian] |