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Author Olivier Caprasse |
Available item(s) by this author (2)
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Bernard Hanotiau ; Olivier Caprasse / Arbitrability, Due Process, and Public Policy Under Article V of the New York Convention, Belgian and French Perspectives / 25(6) Journal of International Arbitration 721 (2008) - 2008
Author(s) Bernard Hanotiau ; Olivier Caprasse Source 25(6) Journal of International Arbitration 721 (2008) Subject(s) B. Articles on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in specific countries and regions (including book chapters) Jurisdictions France | Belgium Worldcat Number Worldcat : 775295935 ISBN 978-90-411-1274-3 Link to the record Bernard Hanotiau ; Olivier Caprasse / Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration / Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards – The New York Convention Practice, E. Gaillard and D. Di Pietro eds., Cameron May, 787 (2008) - 2008
Author(s) Bernard Hanotiau ; Olivier Caprasse Source Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards – The New York Convention Practice, E. Gaillard and D. Di Pietro eds., Cameron May, 787 (2008) Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Worldcat Number Worldcat : 775305812 ISBN 1-905017-47-2 Link to the record