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Author Dishi Bhomawat |
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Nicholas Peacock ; Dishi Bhomawat / Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay: Strategies to Ensure an Enforceable Award / in Gourab Banerji , Promod Nair , et al. (eds), International Arbitration and the Rule of Law: Essays in Honour of Fali Nariman, (Permanent Court of Arbitration 2021) pp. 439-454 - 01/04/2021
Author(s) Nicholas Peacock ; Dishi Bhomawat Source in Gourab Banerji , Promod Nair , et al. (eds), International Arbitration and the Rule of Law: Essays in Honour of Fali Nariman, (Permanent Court of Arbitration 2021) pp. 439-454 Subject(s) A. Articles on the 1958 New York Convention Applicable NYC Provisions V | V(1)(e) | V(2)(b) Link to the record